Creative & Art Director

Aspirina Un alivio muy nuestro


Aspirina “Un alivio muy nuestro”

TV campaign for Bayer Aspirin, generating brand recognition among the Mexican audience as an essential remedy for headaches.

Platforms: FB / YT / TV

Amidst numerous options for headache relief, the aim is to establish a differentiator that sets Aspirin apart.

Create a campaign that motivates the audience to purchase the product, making them feel close and accessible to everyone.

Aspirin has a cultural appropriation in Mexico, being one of the remedies that the majority of people usually turn to for headaches, primarily.

Create content that establishes the product's closeness to the Mexican audience in everyday situations where a headache discomfort may arise.



The campaign had a positive impact on the audience, using humor and visual elements to convey the message of a relief that's truly ours. It was aired on television and digital platforms, reaching a wide audience.